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Here is a list of the items we can NOT accept at the center.  Some have other drop off locations listed below.

Batteries Alkaline - SEE DROP OFF LOCATION

Bring your batteries to the locations below. They are also collected twice per year at the Ionia cleanup events on Jackson St, Ionia.  Alkaline include:  Button (small round), AA, AAA, C, D, 9 Volt.

Contact Ionia County Resource Recovery for details, (616) 527-2098.  Click picture for more details.

Compact Fluorescent Light (CFL) Bulb - SEE DROP OFF LOCATION

CFLs contain a small amount of mercury and should therefore be recycled instead of thrown away.  Click the picture for more details.

Call Ionia County Resource Recovery to find out when they can accept these.  (Contact info above)


Ionia removed the glass drop off bin that used to be on Jackson Street.  Sorry

Plastic #4 Film (NO LONGER ACCEPTING, Sorry. Bring grocery bags back to Meijer or Walmart)

Plastic Clam Shells - SORRY not accepting

#1 Non-bottles  Clamshells or salad containers. SORRY we no longer accept themThere is not a market for these materials, even if they are number 1 plastics.

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