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Drive-Thru Drop Off
318 S Jefferson St, Ionia MI 48846
Drive-Thru Entrance (South Gate) then drive behind the Teen Center Building
Here is a list of the items we can NOT accept at the center. Some have other drop off locations listed below.
Batteries Alkaline - SEE DROP OFF LOCATION
Bring your batteries to the locations below. They are also collected twice per year at the Ionia cleanup events on Jackson St, Ionia. Alkaline include: Button (small round), AA, AAA, C, D, 9 Volt.
Contact Ionia County Resource Recovery for details, (616) 527-2098. Click picture for more details.
Ionia removed the glass drop off bin that used to be on Jackson Street. Sorry
Plastic Clam Shells - SORRY not accepting
#1 Non-bottles Clamshells or salad containers. SORRY we no longer accept them. There is not a market for these materials, even if they are number 1 plastics.
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